Teaching global English to overseas students

Krzysztof Polok, Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej, Poland



Teaching English as a Global Language (EGL) definitely is a challenge. The assertion assumes the introduction into the process of FLE (foreign language education) the forms of FL internalization clearly facilitating the process of teaching English as a global language (instead of assuming that this is only a variant of standardized ELT/ELL). One of the issues worth considering in this instance is the way the concept of teacher language awareness (TLA) introduced by Andrews [2007] can be observed from the perspective of EGL deliverance. The paper discusses the very idea of English as a global language, the reasons and the necessities of its research as well as possible changes to be introduced into the school syllabi when the perspective of teaching a foreign language has been shifted into the one of teaching a functional language. While accepting the currently existing message-production status quo, the paper offers a number of points-to-consider (mostly based on the researches carried out by House [2002] and Knapp [2002]) aimed at helping overseas learners become more productive message producers. Finally, assuming that teaching EGL ought to be different than the standardized forms of teaching EFL, the paper suggests a number of issues (such as the self-centered hypothesis, for example) to be possibly taken into account by any average native/non-native English teacher and, subsequently, included into the comprehensible language teaching plans of which they are the authors.

Key words: EFL, EGL, TLA, PCK, functional language, language teaching syllabus, motivation, subject-matter cognitions, self-centered hypothesis, attitude, belief, Byram’s resultative and motivational hypothesis




Journal of Language and Cultural Education Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253 jolace@slovakedu.com