Submit your LLCE2020 registration


Registration deadline for all authors and attending participants: October 15th, 2020 (included). 


All participants, including the attending-only and non-presenting conference participants, are kindly asked to submit a registration form (one per participant). It is necessary to be registered to get into the conference area (as an author or as the general public). There are two types of registration forms:

Registration form 1: in English

Registration form 2: in Slovak


Note: The second, third, etc. authors who will attend the conference in person are asked to fill in the registration form 2. The second, third, etc. authors who do not attend the conference in person do not need to register (they, however, will be given their certificates of authors and certificates of attendance via the attending author´s conference package). 


Confirmation of registration: Registration will be completed once the corresponding proof of payment has been received by Depending on the way of your payment, it may take up to 4 days for definitive confirmation of your payment, after which a receipt containing your registration details will be issued.


Personal data protection

According to the Law 122/2013 of the Slovak Republic on Personal Data Protection and GDPR EU, we guarantee the confidentiality of the personal data. Therefore, the personal data collected through registration forms (name, academic titles, e-mail, address, phone/skype/Facebook contacts) will be used only for the aims that are specified in the registration form (organising the conference, collecting and processing abstracts, corresponding with authors and other participants). You can exercise the right of access, modification, cancellation or opposition by a written request to SlovakEdu (



Journal of Language and Cultural Education Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253