LLCE2016 Conference Publications and follow up


A) Book of Abstracts

All abstracts of LLCE2016 conference papers accepted by the LLCE2016 Scientific Committee are be published in CD Book of Abstracts (ISBN 978-80-971580-9-5).

B) Virtual session of the conference

The virtual session of the conference will be active from July 12th, 2016 to December 31st, 2016. To discuss the papers/presentations/video presentations in the session, the audience can contact authors via e-mail addresses published in the papers.

The virtual session of the conference will be active from July 12th, 2016 to December 31st, 2016. To discuss the papers/presentations/video presentations in the session, the audience can contact authors via e-mail addresses published in the papers.


C) Journal

All conference papers submitted by the authors with completed registration will be reviewed by the International Editorial Board members (a double-blind peer review procedure). The approved and accepted conference papers will be published in the International Journal on Language, Literature and Culture in Education (ISSN 2453-7101, Volume 3, Issue 2 and Volume 4, Issue 1; published by De Gruyter Open). The papers approved for publishing in LLCE will be charged separately from a conference fee by a reduced publication fee (70 EUR) after receiving the review results.

Selected research papers approved by the journal reviewers will be published also in the Journal of Language and Cultural Education  (print ISSN 1339-4045; online ISSN 1339-4584, published by De Gruyter Open) which are planned to be issued in September 2016 and January 2017 respectively. The papers approved for publishing in JoLaCE will be charged separately from a conference fee by a reduced publication fee (140 EUR) after receiving the review results.